
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Willing to Burn

top: minkpink (similar here)// skirt: vintage (loving this one) // jacket: vintage (loving this one) // shoes: schutz (similar here) // bag: loeffler randall (on sale here!)
photos by common dove photography

"She was never crazy. She just didn't let her heart settle in a cage. She was born wild, and sometimes we need people like her. For it's the horrors in her heart which cause the flames in ours. And she was always willing to burn for everything she has ever loved."

Despite all of my big talk about being strong and putting up walls I'm actually an incredibly sensitive and passionate person. In the past I used to beat myself up about not being stronger, especially over the last several months trying to prove to everyone that despite going through a divorce and my life being turned upside down that I'm "ok."

Well, you know what, its exhausting trying to be strong all of the time. I feel things so intensely that sometimes I don't know how to come back from them.

Recently some important people in my life made me realize its ok to let myself be affected by things the way I do and that being constantly stoic is not healthy. Using what you have been given instead of trying to hide it away is always a better alternative…… This year I'm using my empathy and sympathy for greater causes because with everything going on lately I let myself crawl into a selfish hole.

My walls are still up guarding my heart because its not just me that is affected by who I choose to love…..but its time to start embracing my annoyingly passionate disposition.


  1. I'm new to your blog, but just wanted to applaud your decision here. It IS unhealthy to always be stoic during and after periods of extreme loss or shock. I have a family member who lost her daughter and she has put up walls to emotion, it can't be good. I know divorce is like a death, but really the loser in this situation is not you, it's your ex. He no longer has you and you are obviously a kind and caring person. You'll find love again one day and in the mean time I hope you can embrace life, laugh often, and have as much fun as possible.

    Love your outfit.

  2. Looking good! What even made things better is that you are in such a positive light besides being burdened by the memories and the realities of your divorce. That is indeed the best way forward, dressing smartly, putting on a sunny face and walking it off. Anyway, I hope you've got all the little nooks and details placed decisively and real well, enough to ensure that you get the upper hand in the divorce deal. All the best to you!

    Christine Bradley @ West Green Family Law
