
Sunday, February 1, 2015


dress: for love and lemons (available here) // boots: hinge (available here) // hat: via jame's clothing boutique (similar here)
photos by common dove photography

My son Andrew, "doodle" to those who know him, has been very sick over the last several days which has allowed us to play plenty of games, watch infinite amounts of Bubble Guppies and put together our favorite Ninja Turtle puzzles…..multiple times in a row. While working on said puzzles a couple of thoughts came to my mind when teaching doodle how to assemble them……

1. get all of your outer pieces together, once you have your foundation you can move from there…..much life getting your life on track… have to have a good foundation….

2. just because a piece seems like it doesn't fit you have to wait for all of the other pieces to come together, and then try that same piece again……. same principle when random, crazy things happen in your life like stupid mistakes (which I've been making a lot lately)….they might seem random, but eventually after everything else comes together you will realize why they were there…..

3. lastly, after completing puzzles doodle likes to break them up and throw all of the pieces around….and every single time I tell him we have to take care of the pieces and keep them safe and together….. kind of like when you work really hard to better your life and you have a slip up……don't throw all of that hard work or "pieces" away…..keep them together so that you can assemble them again….

Having a child teaches you about life in the craziest ways…….. and for doodle…..I am so thankful…….


  1. Such a romantic outfit!


  2. Amazing photos and a more amazing outfit!
    xo Adri

  3. I hope Andrew is better now honey! I hope someday i may be blessed with a child of my own! Your outfit is amazing! Honestly i cant believe how amazing your style is! Hope everything is going well for you and your lovely little guy xx
