
Wednesday, March 4, 2015


sweater: valentino (loving this one) // skirt: free people (similar here) // boots: chinese laundry (here)
photos by common dove photography

"When life gets blurry, readjust your focus." Being a parent is no joke....and sometimes you lose sight of just how important your job is when molding another human beings life. Not only are you in charge of taking care of their physical needs like making sure they have shelter and food....but you are also in charge of their mental and emotional well being. It is also your job to make sure they become a well adjusted, respectful and compassionate person as they grow older....which is actually a lot of pressure. No mom likes to admit it, but every now and then life gets blurry......especially when going through a divorce and finally seeing the toll it takes on your child....but all you really can do is readjust your focus and remember that YOU and only YOU are the one person who can make your child feel safe and sound. 

Nothing else can make you go through a full range of emotions quite like parenthood minute you are laughing so hard its difficult to breathe and the next minute you both are crying your eyes out on the floor trying to figure out what the other one wants. The one constant is that there will always be a love that no one else can even come close to feeling.....or describing for the matter. And whenever you feel lost or scared its not really an option to stay that way for simply remember to readjust, pull yourself together and be confident in the fact that you are someone else's WHOLE world.....and eventually, everything else will work itself out.


  1. this is a beautiful post! You are such a strong young lady! I hope everything works out well for you both honey xx

  2. good outfit!!you are pretty!!*.*

  3. Aww such cute photos you can really feel the bond between you two!

    The Marcy Stop
