
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Firmly Planted

romper and headband via james clothing boutique // boots: sam edelman
photos by common dove photography

Today is Mother's Day……and although there are still so many lessons I have left to teach my son……one that is the most important to me is that he never forgets the Tree of Life…… to stay firmly planted but never stop reaching for stars. The two of us have been through so much since last Mother's Day…..and when I woke up this morning I realized that its important for him to remember that even when life breaks you down… have stay firmly planted in your faith and keep going with your daily life but in order to keep going you can NEVER give up on your dreams…..even if they change along the way ;)


  1. Love your Boots

    FOLLOW my Blog!!! Maybe we can follow each other!!!

  2. Beautiful outfit and you:)

  3. You look so happy and ethereal in this post. xoxo

  4. so lovely what you said! And your outfit is so gorgeous! I always love your posts and you are one of my favs by an absolute mile Brooke! It is always nice when the girl behind the blog is such a wonderful and inspiring lady and you certainly are xx
